Peace of Mind

WebSpain Customer Service

Peace of much is that worth to you? Is it even possible to even put a price on it? Because when prospective clients initially contact us, they invariably want a quotation based on their requirements. That's quite understandable......we know they'll be contacting other designers with the same request in order to compare prices.

However, a price comparison is only valid when you're comparing "like for like". And in our case that's going to be difficult, because the depth of service and support that we provide on an ongoing basis far exceeds most other web designers. That, alone, is what makes us different, because we bring peace of mind!

Now I'm aware that there are many good web designers out there......but there are also a large number of "putter-uppers". 
Basically a "putter-upper" can be defined as someone who puts a site up, takes the money.....and is gone! If you've got problems you're on your own! Not sure how to do something or need advice? Then be prepared to cross their palm with even more silver first.
A "putter-upper" sees the transaction as a one night stand, whereas a professional web designer is looking to build a longterm relationship. Who would you prefer to entrust the future of your business with?

To illustrate this point, I'm going to recount a real life example that we experienced recently when a potential client made the wrong choice! It's by no means a one-off tends to happen on a regular basis as people prioritise "cheap" as the overriding factor in their purchasing decision. This course of action rarely ends well! We all want value for money......but some things you just don't cut corners on, because not all web designers are created equal!

The story goes like this: We were contacted in June by someone wanting a quotation for a business site. After speaking to them and analysing their requirements we gave them a price.....and never heard any more. Until last week!
Back they came, but with a request for us to repair a site because it had been hacked and destroyed within a month. Apparently their "web designer" didn't want to know and blamed the Hosting company. The Hosting company (who are bottom of the barrel as well) blamed the web designer. The Hosts did manage to restore the site from a backup taken a month ago (so they lost a month's data)......but they were then back to where they were prior to hacking. Just a matter of time before it's blitzed again!

We always make it clear that we don't work on other peoples' sites....only our own. After all.....if you're not a WebSpain client you can't expect to receive the premium level of support that our clients enjoy. As it was, the site was done in Wordpress, and we're solely Joomla we couldn't have helped anyway. But I did give them details of a couple of developers who may be able to sort it out......but their services won't come cheap.

What a mess......and with a site that was only a month old! That trainwreck happened because they prioritised "cheap" over everything else. They did not compare "like for like" or even consider the necessity of ongoing support or assistance. Ultimately, the cheap price from the "putter-upper" is going to turn out to be a lot more costly in the long run, without even factoring in the stress, frustration, and helplessness when faced with a situation that they didn't understand.

Obviously, there's absolutely nothing wrong with looking for a competitive price when you're buying something. But don't confuse "cheap" with "value for money", because these are two different things. Compare prospective designers on a "like for like" basis!

As far as what we bring to the table, it's 40 years business experience, 30 years of which is in IT, with the last 20 years solely in Web Design and Hosting. Remember what I must compare "like for like".

So if you're looking for a total web package incorporating both design and your research. The professionals may be slightly more expensive, but as people find out, it can ultimately end up costing you a whole lot more when you deal with an amateur! Practise due diligence, look for a verifiable track record at a professional level, read Client Testimonials and take up references!

You can't put a price on peace of mind! So if you're considering a website and you want to keep your sanity, just contact us at