Disappearing Web Designer ...
Over the last year we've received numerous enquiries from panicking businesses whose web designer/developer can no longer be found. To make it worse, the individuals concerned had full control of all client ...
The User Journey
So what is the User Journey.....and why should you be aware of it? Well if you're running a small to medium sized business you need to have some knowledge of other aspects of business that are not directly ...
Your Website is Hacked!
None of our clients have ever received a message of this nature, and we aim to make sure it stays that way. We do that by ensuring that your sites, all addon components, and all server applications are up to ...
The Power of Video Marketing
Are you using videos to promote your business? If not, you should be! Providing your specific industry easily lends itself to video marketing. By that, I mean Property Agents, Tourism, Automotive, Construction etc. In ...
Focussing on Content
It's no secret that Google are continually revising their core updates in order to improve search results to their users. Therefore your positioning in the results can change accordingly.
But you may wonder why would ...
GDPR and End of Life Software
Are you absolutely sure that you're fully complying with GDPR regulations and directives? You need to be certain of this, because if you don't comply there could be some serious pitfalls ahead. We all have ...
Unlimited Hosting Revisited!
We covered the marketing tactic that is Unlimited Web Hosting many years ago when this particular "initiative" began to spread across the industry.
It has no effect on what we do because we're not web hosts in the ...
Web Security: Raising the Bar
Over the years I've continually stressed the importance of web security to our clients. To the point that some of you think that I'm paranoid.
But in this instance it's a case where the perceived paranoia should be ...
LiteSpeed is Here!
We're pleased to announce a new addition to our hosting infrastructure to further enhance the quality package that we deliver to our clients. Most people don't think about this aspect very much......but it's ...
Fully Managed Web Services
What we provide with our Managed Services Plans:
Site security updates applied on day of release.
Site errors rectified subject to site software being current.
Enterprise strength site security firewall.
Malware removal ...
Turning Back Time
Time doesn't bypass anything, or anybody! That includes our computers, our mobile phones, our TV's, our cars......even us! So why would websites be any different?
Yet it's been my experience in the past that when I ...
Where do you stand with GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on 25 May 2018. As far as website implications go, the main change is that all sites must have a Privacy Policy, and all user interactions where ...
Trapped in Time
Very often, we don't notice the changes that happen progressively throughout the course of our lives......because they're not instant, they're gradual. The same applies to our websites.
We've just replaced the ...
Still don't have SSL?
For over 3 years we've been advising website owners to get HTTPS/SSL encryption in place because the internet has been moving towards a totally encrypted medium. A major development is now taking effect from July ...
Fact or Fiction?
It appears that 2018 has started with an avalanche of Spam e-mails from self professed SEO Experts, Marketing Consultants, Promotional Analysts.....and various other surreal titles that these people dream up. And the ...
The Future is Here!
Technology keeps on moving forward at a rapid pace both in hardware and software. You either stay with it or you try and struggle by with the technology of yesteryear. That's not a good way to do business......and ...
SEO Ranking Factors
I'm not keen on using the phrase "SEO" as it's been so abused over the years that it's meaning and interpretation has become lost. Personally I'd say that the majority of the points in this article relate to building ...
Peace of Mind
Peace of Mind......how much is that worth to you? Is it even possible to even put a price on it? Because when prospective clients initially contact us, they invariably want a quotation based on their requirements. ...
Are you Popular on Google?
Are you popular on Google? Irrespective of your current status on the search engines, do you actually know what needs to be put in place to get a good ranking? The problem is there's so much conjecture, speculation, ...
Google Sandbox
Imagine this scenario! You've got a new website on a new domain. It looks great, it works well, and you've generated some quality content. So you sit back and wait for it to show up in the search listings......and it ...
Ahead of the Game!
We've always tried to stay ahead of the game on all the potential changes and advancements within the web industry. Our goal is to inform our clients of anything that they need to know, in order to ensure that they ...
User Expectations
When clients come to us for a website they generally have a list of expectations or requirements. Of course, that helps us to identify exactly what needs to be implemented in order to meet their requirements......but ...
Google's NoHacked campaign!
Google have now released a State of Website Security in 2016 review......based on it's statistics from last year. And it's an eye-opener! Because in 2016 the number of hacked sites has increased by 32% compared to ...
Website Warnings
Google has now started sending out warnings to users that are running outdated and vulnerable software installations. Which is what we have been doing for years in order to ensure our clients are not at risk.
This ...
A warning from Google!
Many site owners are going to be getting an e-mail warning from Google very soon! Simply because they have not put HTTPS/SSL security in place on their sites.
From this month on "Chrome will show a Not Secure warning ...
What the Future Holds!
2017 is approaching, so what does the future hold for your business online? Nobody can accurately predict everything, but a clear pattern is forming!
1. Mobile Websites: It's no secret that mobile computing has now ...
Mobile First!
Google have announced major changes to the way they index websites! It's now Mobile First!
What this means is that instead of Google using the content of the desktop version for evaluating a website, they will now be ...
HTTPS/SSL Security is Taking ...
HTTPS/SSL security on websites is important! I've been saying it for some years, and recent statements from Google demonstrate that it's now becoming the minimum acceptable standard......"A web with HTTPS is not the ...
Worried about Dirty COW?
Worried about Dirty COW? You should be, because last week a serious vulnerability was discovered in the Linux kernel which runs the majority of the world's servers. It was so critical that it can lead to a privilege ...
Life on the Dark Side!
We've always attempted to keep our clients safe from the undesirable elements and the grief that go along with doing business on the Internet. In effect we keep you within a protective shield so you don't see these ...
Have you been Compromised?
Have you been Compromised? I would be pretty sure that you already have been.....but you don't know it!
Would you like to find out for sure? Then read on......because we have a simple online check for you.
You may ...
Is your Business worth a ...
Is your Business worth a cup of Coffee a week? Because it seems that many site owners out there don't seem to think so!
And unfortunately for those people, Google are now telling their site visitors exactly how much ...
Brute Force Attacks
There's been a marked escalation of Brute Force Attacks aimed at popular web applications recently!
First let's establish what is a Brute Force Attack?
Essentially it's a number of remote computers who control ...
The CloudLinux Era!
We've now entered the CloudLinux era, as our main UK server is now running on this commercial operating system. CloudLinux is purely designed for shared hosting environments, and delivers numerous benefits to you ...
Do you need HTTPS/SSL?
If you think you don't need HTTPS/SSL security on your site, then you may need to re-evaluate this opinion as things are changing.
Back in August 2014 we published an article called SSL for SEO. This related to ...
Are you Driving Your Business?
Are you really Driving Your Business? Or are you a passenger just going along for the ride?
Because the landscape of business promotion and marketing is always changing, so you need to adapt to those changes to be able ...
Living in The Past!

As we get older, we tend to look back and think that life was better in the past! It was certainly simpler then that's for sure.
But time moves on for all of us and the only option that we have is to go with the ...
Time for Lockdown?
Security is the most important aspect of any internet based application. Bar none! Just because you haven't experienced bad things.....bad things do happen, and it's getting worse. Every day we battle with various ...
AMP......The Next Big Thing!
It seems that the Next Big Thing is on the way.....and it's called AMP! Which stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages!
In Google's words “The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project is an open source initiative that ...
Just Another Victim!
We all know that over the last decade the technology that we use has advanced beyond anything we ever imagined!
But along with this increased sophistication comes increased danger. I'm talking about cyber crime!
Google Search Quality ...
Remember the old record players from the past when a record would get stuck.....and one part would keep on repeating endlessly? Well that's me that is! Simply because I've been endlessly repeating for many years that ...
Let's talk FACTS!
Let's talk FACTS! The reality is that there are many good web designers in Spain who you could choose for your new website, and there's also some who may deliver a less than stellar experience. So how do you know who ...
Who's the Best Web Designer ...
So who's the Best Web Designer in Spain? If you search on Google they seem to think it's us! But Google are wrong......we're not!
And I'll tell you who else it isn't.....the man in the pub! I'm ...
A Change of Mind!
What I want to do in this article is hopefully give you some ideas on how you can make your life so much easier......while being much more efficient. I know that some of the options may not be what you want to ...
2016....Another Year of ...
Do you remember Jackanory? Most of us will I'm sure......but did you know that you can still enjoy stories of total fantasy like we heard when we were children?
Because Once Upon a Time the internet was ...
So What's the Answer?
As you probably know, search has changed a lot in recent years! But are you taking advantage of the new possibilities that now exist due to the advancements in technology and actually delivering the answers? ...
Are you playing Russian ...
This relates to the most important aspect of what we do.....Security! Because it's estimated that there are millions of outdated and totally obsolete Content Management System websites still in circulation. And ...
FaceBook Search.....and what ...
Facebook have announced that it has now completed indexing the 2 trillion posts that have been made to it's network!
In addition, it's made them searchable! So what does this mean to you as a business?
Well if ...
It's not about Web Design! ...
Over the years I've encountered a regular misunderstanding by potential clients regarding web design. It's the scenario where someone focuses solely on aesthetics at the expense of everything else.
In fact with some ...
Not all Web Hosting is ...
We're reluctant webhosts! We never wanted to provide web hosting. All we ever wanted to do was build websites.....nothing else. But back in 2003 we reached the point where it was impossible to get anything done on ...
Google Brings Tweets to ...
Google and Twitter appear to be getting closer as the announcement has been made that Tweets will now be appearing in Google search results. Initially this will only take effect on mobile search results in English, ...
Are you taking FaceBook ...
So are you taking FaceBook seriously? If not, maybe it's time to reappraise the situation? Simply because FaceBook is now referring more traffic to websites than Google.
A new industry study shows that in July 2015 ...
Are you still on the plain ...
The plain text web refers to all sites that are not protected by HTTPS/SSL encryption, and more major steps are being taken to get webmasters to deploy this technology. I would recommend you to read this carefully, ...
A Visit From The Phantom
A Visit From The Phantom? Yes it's true.....we've all had a visit! And we didn't even know it!
What I'm referring to is a Google algorithm change called Phantom 2 that's been going on invisibly (hence the name) for ...
Is Content Still King?
I think you may find this very interesting......and hopefully it will change your way of thinking about the processes involved with attaining good search engine positioning. Because once and for all I'm going to ...
Google and SSL Security
Last September we published this article: SSL for SEO! It related to Google announcing that sites which had HTTPS/SSL encryption would be looked on more favourably in terms of search engine positioning. This ...
Wind of Change
The IT industry has always evolved at a fast pace, and never more so than in recent years with the massive expansion of mobile computing as a part of everyday life.
I can remember over 20 years ago when the internet ...
The Legacy of Cheap!
After many years of being involved in the IT industry, plus working in other business sectors prior to 1988......I notice that one thing never changes! And that is the endless quest for "cheap".
Obviously, there's ...
The Changing Face of Search
As you know, the way that people use the Internet is changing. We're experiencing a move away from the traditional desktop method into a more mobile centric environment.
So if your focus is only based around attaining ...
Are you wasting your time?
Essentially this relates to a situation that I've seen occur at different times with different people. It refers to the scenario where people over-analyse and obsess about their site to the nth degree.......while ...
The Irony of Mobilegeddon
Google's designated cut-off day of 21st April for the de-listing of non-mobile compatible sites (Mobilegeddon) has come and gone. At this time it's still too soon to see any visible changes because of the millions of ...
The Countdown is On!
Remember this date: 21st April 2015. Because this is the day where Google search results are going to change forever! They could change for the better for you....or they could change for the worse!
This is the day ...
The Life of a Website
It's a fact of life that whether we like it or not, time moves on for all of us! Particularly within the IT industry, with so many new innovations occurring on a regular basis!
As a consequence of this ever changing ...
Google's verdict on Mobile ...
Earlier last year we published an article on mobile compatibility reporting that Google had announced they were implementing a system whereby mobile compatible sites would, in principle, be favoured in terms of ...
Content Marketing
Every business wants favourable positioning on search engines. While it isn't the life or death situation that many people believe it to be, it does help.
However, I want to debunk a myth that still exists, because ...
Is your site Mobile ...
Some months ago we discussed the importance of having a mobile responsive website because it's estimated that around 40% of your potential visitors now connect via smartphones and tablets.
At that time we speculated ...
SSL for SEO?
Google has recently announced that they are starting to use HTTPS/SSL as a ranking signal within their search engine algorithm.
The official wording was: “Over the past few months we’ve been running tests ...
The Importance of Social Media
Everybody wants great search engine positioning, but the methods to achieve that goal have changed a lot in recent years. There are still technical elements within a site that are highly relevant, but the ...
Mobile Responsive Websites
For mobile compatible websites in Spain, WebSpain have the solution!
Mobile compatibility is critical today, as up to 40% of your site visitors are likely to be using smartphones and tablets. In fact, it ...
There is no best Web ...
.....just the Web Designer that's best for you! But do your research! Discover who has a longterm, proven, and verifiable track record in the industry, and always take up references! You need someone who's going to be ...
The Myth of Unlimited Web ...
Web Hosting is a commodity, and like everything, it has it's limits. Many hosting companies offer "unlimited" plans, but be aware that there are physical limitations to both disk space, bandwidth, and all other ...